Participants of the “I am a Professional” Olympiad visit TAURAS-FENIX | «Таурас-Феникс» Санкт-Петербург

Participants of the All-Russian Student Olympiad Visit TAURAS-FENIX

students web.jpg On February 20, 2019, participants of the All-Russian Student Olympiad "I am a professional" visited TAURAS-FENIX machinery works. 26 students from different regions of Russia visited the plant, inspected the workshops, got acquainted with the production process of packaging equipment, which is manufactured in St. Petersburg and shipped worldwide.

“I am a Professional” Olympiad was organised by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE) and “Business Russia” public organisation together with ten leading Russian universities. The technical partner is Yandex. Olympiad participants are invited to pass tests in 27 areas. Medal awardees and the Olympiad winners will receive additional points for admission to leading Russian universities, including Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics University (ITMO). The organisers consider the event as a kind of “social elevator” for talented and highly-motivated young people – bachelors, specialists and Master’s Degree students of higher educational institutions throughout the country.

The selection of students for participation in the Olympiad began in September 2018. Based on the results of the Olympiad students will be able to get benefits for admission to the magistracy or post-graduate training programs of the country’s leading universities, to compete for an internship in a large company and to win a cash prize. In 2019 54 tracks were presented at the Olympiad, five of which are supervised by ITMO University. 3022 students from St. Petersburg got into the final full-time stage of the “I am a Professional” Olympiad. This is 4 times more than last season.

The event value also lies in the fact that every successful Olympiad participant regardless of residence area can receive an internship offer from potential employers. For the second year the most famous and large companies actively participate in the event and show their interest in attracting the best young professionals. In 2018, for example, 97 Russian companies provided the opportunity for internships to diploma winners. In terms of 2019 the information is still being processed by the organisers.

Being the leader of the packaging industry in the Russian Federation TAURAS-FENIX machinery works conducts an active personnel policy and is interested in attracting talented young specialists in areas of robotics, mechatronics and 3D modelling. The plant feels the need for the rejuvenation of industrial-production personnel. As the enterprise’s management notes TAURAS-FENIX has been for several years in a row working with graduates of relevant Russian universities. It holds educational competitions, provides an opportunity for field-oriented specialties’ students to participate in the internship programs at the enterprise.

Today the enterprise is actively working to create joint branch departments with domestic industrial enterprises, interacting with relevant Ministries and departments to include machine-building enterprises in the process of developing new programs for targeted training, work experience and professional internship.

However with a shortage of qualified personnel, the Company's management notes the growing interest of young specialists in the machine-building industry. “To strengthen the professional team and increase the output of high-tech and competitive domestic products, we developed a strong system of non-financial motivation and introduced a number of incentive programs for personnel development,” said Svetlana Danilina, the Company’s Director General.

In conclusion it should be noted that the close cooperation of educational institutions and TAURAS-FENIX will increase working specialties prestige, the importance of having key skills among young people, and the common goal will become the engine for the development of the real sector of the country's economy.

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