Shrink Wrapping Machine TURBOPACK 266 | «Таурас-Феникс» Санкт-Петербург



Automatic shrink wrapping line TURBOPACK 266 is designed for rectangular blocks forming out of the bags with noodle products, grits, bulk products with their subsequent shrink wrapping to make distribution packaging. Block forming, its wra...

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Automatic shrink wrapping line TURBOPACK 266 is designed for rectangular blocks forming out of the bags with noodle products, grits, bulk products with their subsequent shrink wrapping to make distribution packaging. Block forming, its wrapping with heat shrinkable polyethylene film and its delivery to heat shrinking tunnel are carried out automatically. The advantages of multiple packaging are: transportability, product safety, rigidity, costeffectiveness.

Products to be packed:

Pillow bags, flat bottom bags, briquette bags.

Name Value
Kinematical speed, max, cycles/min. 6 blocks/min
Block width, mm 490-800
Block length, mm 210-300
Block height, mm 84-270
Block size, pcs/pcs 3х3, 3х4 4х6
Film thickness, mcr 120
Film reel width, max, mm 1170
Film reel diameter, max, mm 250
Film reel weight, max, kg 40-45
Thermo tunnel dimensions, mm 2500х1500х310
Power consumption, kW 380 В, 3Ф, 50 Гц
Потребляемая мощность, кВт 70
Air pressure, MPa 0,6
Air consumption, l/min 210
Machine length, mm 6100
Machine width, mm 4200
Machine height, mm 2350
Machine weight, kg 2200
  • Block forming unit
  • Heat shrinking unit
  • Packaging unit (outfeed conveyor included)
  • Roll tables
  • Bags calibration unit
  • Output conveyor (apron or belt)

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